As we know that Electronics (Computers) should be maintained very well to gain more and better life out of it,
Our work starts with it and ends with it, if this is neglected, then we need to replace with new.
Smart School Tech has the services, which takes care of all the computers of the entire school including Computer Lab with very reasonable yearly cost.
- Top Benefits of AMC (Annual Maintenance contract & Support).
- Resolving issues with in 48 hrs.(Hardware / Software) online issues within an hr.
- Sustainment is assured by regular cleaning and servicing the system.
- Periodical updation of all softwares only licensed.
- Back up all the important data on a regular basis.
- Skilled Certified technicians in cross-platform environments with support of 24/7.
- Just one-time fees per year.
- Excellent Buy back system to have a new Lab.